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时间:2022-03-15 17:40:06人气:621作者:曾少贤_我要评论(0)




T1职业队在刚完成的礼拜天里得到了16连赢成绩,现阶段排行LCK联赛第一名。Faker比赛之后进行了外国媒体KORIZON电子竞技的访谈,新闻记者则是大家十分熟知的Ashley Kang,她熟练韩文和英文,因此这一频道栏目的访谈全是给予了英文版。KORIZON电子竞技优先公布了Faker针对“大晴天事情”和dnf美服自然环境的观点,这儿给予频道栏目字慕和翻译中文結果。

Q:Faker, during your recent [Twitch] stream,You voiced a strong opinion on the current state of the Korean server solo queue.With your influence over the esports scene,Your statement became a topic of discussion across the industry.What caused you to make that statement?What led you to voice your opinion, and what kind of result were you looking for when you made the statement?

A:In my recent solo queue games ...I got the impression the quality of the games was very low.Whenever there is a solo queue game, a player must make the plays appropriate for their given tier.But always, I would see plays that do not meet this requirement pop up in the solo queue.In the end, as a gamer myself, I thought this trend was distracting in practicing League of Legends.

And as of my most recent statement during a stream --I saw [a player] doing actions that is not befitting of a professional gamer.At that time, I was angry, which caused me to speak out. And ...The player in question got penalized,And to be honest, the player ...I believe he will do even better in the future once the duration of the penalty is over.I personality hoped that such penalties will be given out more actively in the future,Which caused me to speak out that day.




Q:How would you say the [KR solo queue] changed compared to the last few years?Especially from your perspective, as you play on the top, at the Challenger's level.

A:I just think there are players out there who do not take the game too seriously.To be honest ... My specific statement happened to be targetted towards a Chinese player in this instance,But always, for me personally ... It doesn't matter which country the player is from.I just want to have fun while playing the game, as a gamer myself.I just want the players out there, whether they be from China, Korea, or any country in the worldThat they would commit to solo queue gamers more seriously.






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